Information Security Policy
We, at Galactic Medical Databank Private Limited (GMDPL) are providing the services for maintaining the Medical records.
GMDPL protects all information assets with Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. “Based on our company values, we sincerely and honestly commit to comply to identified applicable legal & other requirements, towards continual improvement of ISMS”.
We will achieve by ensuring: -
Confidentiality of information is maintained by making it accessible only to authorized users, through proper authentication and access control.
Integrity of information is maintained by safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of the Information, and by protecting the processing methods from unauthorized modification.
Availability of information to authorized users as and when needed, and as required by the business processes.
Regulatory, Legislative requirements are met.
Business continuity plans for mission critical activities will be produced, maintained and tested.
Information security awareness training will be made available to all staff
This Policy will be made available and communicated to all employees and interested parties.
This policy will be reviewed periodically to verify for its suitability.